In March 1908 Farnhill Chapel inaugurated a new Laycock & Bannister organ to replace the old harmonium. This is a report of the first recitals given on the new instrument, from the journal "Primitive Methodist Leader". THE Farnhill new organ was opened on Saturday, March 7th when Christie Green, Esq., Mus. Doc., Oxon, F.R.C.O., an obi scholar of Farnhill school, and now organist and choirmaster of Blackburn Parish Church, gave a recital to a crowded congregation. Mr. Leo Brigg, of Kildwick Hall, presided at the opening ceremony. After the dedicatory prayer and Scripture reading by the Rev. J. Dodd, the Rev. B. M. Redhead said the new instrument superseded one purchased nearly forty years ago. Most satisfactory work had been put into the new organ by the builders. For the success of their effort they were largely indebted to Mr. Carnegie, who last September made them a promise of £125. Later their generous friend, Mr. John Brigg, M.P., promised £100 to enable the engine and an additional stop to be purchased. By a series of efforts they had come within measurable distance of opening the instrument free of cost. On March 8th Rev. J. Dodd, Keighley, preached to large congregations. The choir rendered special music, and the soloists were Miss Bennett, Keighley, contralto, and Mr. Pearson, Bingley, baritone. In the afternoon Dr. Green gave another recital, in which every item proved most telling, and showed off the fine qualities of the instrument and the skill of the executant. Mr. R. Mosley presided. On March 15th Rev. C. C. Goodall, Skipton, preached. The organist for the day was Miss Baldwin, A.R.C.O., Farnhill, organist of the Wesleyan church, Skipton, who gave a recital in the afternoon in which the qualities of organ and organist were most creditably displayed. The soloists were Miss Jackson, Steeton, contralto, and Mr. Sugden, Farnhill, baritone. Mr. Chas. Weatherall, Cononley, presided. On March 22nd Rev. C. L. Tack, Tipton, preached. Special solos were sung by Mr. Ben Snowden, Skipton, tenor, and Mr. Fred Sugden, Farnhill, baritone. The organist, Mr. Geo. Spencer, organist and choirmaster Hindsford parish church, another scholar from the school, acquitted himself admirably. The afternoon recital was presided over by Mr. Denby Driver, Keighley. At the close of these admirable services it was found that the whole cost. amounting to £422, had been raised, and a surplus left of £5. Dr. Green's interesting programme included Guilmant's magnificent Morcean de Concert,' one of the finest sets of variations to one of the most beautiful themes organ literature possesses; Meyerbeer's Schiller March,' Bach's ' Prelude and fugue in B minor,' Widor's titantic Toccata in F,' and other pieces. Amongst Miss Baldwin's items the most noticeble pieces were Guilmant's -- what would recitalists do without his muscianly and pleasing music -- ' Prayer and Berceuse,' Lemare's Romance in D flat,' etc. The work of the choir was as striking as that of the recitalists, including anthems of such a diverse type as Robert's beautiful ' Seek ye the Lord,' Shelley's ideal setting of Hark, hark my soul,' Goss's dignified Wilderness,' and Sir George Martin's brilliant and difficult anthem, Hail gladdening light.' The solos chosen reached the same high level, and included Allitsen's great song, ' The Lord is my light,' Sullivan's Thou art passing hence,' Adams' Babylon,' etc. The specification of the organ, built by Messrs. Laycock and Bannister, Keighley, is as follows:
Great organ compass CC to A. 58 notes. 1, open diapason, 8ft., metal, 58 pipes; 2, gamba, 8ft., metal, 58 pipes; 3, Dulcians, 8ft., wood and metal, 58 pipes; 4, hohl flute, 8ft., wood and metal, 58 pipes; 5, harmonic flute,4ft., metal, 58 pipes; 6, principal, 4ft., metal, 58 pipes. Swell organ compass CC to A. 58 notes. 1. violin diapason, 8ft., wood and metal, 58 pipes; 2, salcional, 8ft., wood and metal, 58 pipes; 3, voix celeste, 8ft., metal, 46 pipes; 4, rohr flute, 8ft , wood, 58 pipes; 5, gemshorn, 4ft., metal, 58 pipes; 6, oboe, 8ft., metal, 58 pipes; 7, tremulant. Pedal organ compass CCC to F. 30 notes. 1, Bourdon, l6ft., wood, 30 pipes; 2, flute bass by transmission, 8ft , wood, 12 pipes. Couplers, 1, swell to great; 2, swell super octave; 3, swell to pedals; 4, great to pedals; two composition pedals to great organ; two composition pedals to swell organ; pedal board, radiating anti concave, Willis' pitch; balance cresondo pedal to swell organ; tubular pneumatic action to pedal organ. The organ is blown by a National Gas Engine.
Posted: November 2018 |